

Publié : Mar-09-2022

From the Desk of Fr Tim...

Lent 2022 at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish

  • 9:00 a.m. Mass Monday to Saturday, Regular Sunday Mass Schedule (No Reservation Needed)
  • 7:00 p.m. Friday Evening Mass followed by the Stations of the Cross led on Friday March 11 by the Catholic Women’s League, and on Friday March 18 by the Knights of Columbus
  • Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession on Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. as well as on Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Lenten Day of Confessions on Thursday April 7 from 9:30 11:30 a.m., 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Humanitarian Relief for the People of Ukraine

Ukraine has been plunged into war after the Russian military invaded the country resulting in widespread violence and an ongoing humanitarian crisis. In response to the request of parishioners, the Archdiocese of Toronto has launched a humanitarian relief effort to help the Ukrainian people at this time. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian civilians have already fled their homes and are trying to find shelter in neighbouring countries. The United Nations estimates that there could eventually be up to five million Ukrainian refugees, depending on how the war transpires.

The Archdiocese of Toronto will channel donations to support the Office for Refugees, Archdiocese of Toronto (ORAT) and the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA). CNEWA is a papal agency with a long history of humanitarian relief; it is currently working in Eastern Europe, providing Ukrainians with food, shelter, medicine, and transportation to safe locations. ORAT is Canada’s largest private Sponsorship Agreement Holder, which helps bring hundreds of newcomers to our country each year; it will use donations to bring Ukrainian refugees to Canada as soon as possible.

If you would like to make a monetary donation,

  • please use the yellow Humanitarian Relief envelopes found at each door of the church and mark them Ukrainian Relief (or drop off or mail any envelope marked Ukrainian Relief) OR
  • Online through the Archdiocese of Toronto website: OR
  • By phone through the Development Office, 416-934-3411

Updated Guidelines for Places of Worship 

Thank you for your ongoing patience and co-operation over the past two years in adapting to the Covid-19 reality and the many associated restrictions. We are pleased to share news that as of March 1, places of worship can offer 100% seating capacity with no physical distancing restrictions. Please note that masks are still required as well as using hand sanitizer when you enter the church and leave after mass.

Special thanks to our Ministers of Hospitality for their assistance in seating parishioners during these many months. They will continue to be available to assist you when needed and will also help with taking up the collection at the offertory time.

While we must always remain masked (except for communion), I am happy to announce that we are also now able to resume congregational singing and we have placed our hymnals in the pew racks again.

Finally, we are using our Reconciliation Rooms/Confessionals once again with priest and penitent both masked. The Holy Water fonts have been re-filled at each entrance door of the church.

Parish Office/Church Open Expanded Hours

Our parish office, while remaining closed on Mondays, has returned to regular office hours from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from Tuesday to Friday.  The parish office is open on Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  The office  will remain closed on Sundays for now. The church is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays, and on Saturday from 9:30 to 1:30 p.m.  

We welcome Millie Ozaeta to our parish staff as our weekend secretary/receptionist.  She will work on Saturdays and will also assist Olga during the week or when she is away or on vacation.  As always, we are available at other times via telephone or e-mail to answer any of your inquiries.

Update of the Gill Refugee Family

On behalf of the Refugee Committee, I wish to thank each of you for your generosity in supporting this family both in the donated items you supplied to equip their home, and in your financial support totaling $9,191.

Daughter Sunena and husband Aurangzeb arrived on January 26, brother Shan arrived on February 24, and parents Younas Gill and Saleema Bibi and younger son Adeeb are scheduled to arrive on March 17.

Please keep them in your prayers during this time of transition!

2021 Tax Receipts/2022 Offertory Envelopes/Annual Report to the Parish

Thank you all for your support in 2021.  Tax receipts (for contributions $50+) were mailed directly to you from the Archdiocese of Toronto.  Tax receipts for donations made through the Donate Now were receipted separately and mailed directly to you from the Archdiocese.

Parish volunteers delivered the 2022 Offertory envelopes that were not previously picked up to parishioners who live within parish boundaries and to some condos/apartments. For those who live outside the parish area, your envelopes are available for pick up from the sacristy. Please ask for assistance.

Finally, we will be delivering our Annual Financial Report to the parish for 2021 at each mass on the weekend of March 19/20.

St. Ignatius Loyola CWL Council General Meeting

Our next CWL General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 15. With the lifting of gathering restrictions, we are now able to have in-person meetings.  Masks are still required, and the tables will be well spaced. Mass begins at 6:30 p.m. followed by the meeting in the parish hall at 7:00 p.m. The Mass will include the New Executive Installation Ceremony. All women of the parish (from 16 to 99 years old) are invited. For more information contact Debbie: .

Annual Mass of St. Patrick Thursday, March 17

Join us for the annual Mass of St. Patrick at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica. Cardinal Thomas Collins will be the presider. The homilist will be Fr. Seamus Hogan, Associate Professor of Church History,

St. Augustine's Seminary of Toronto. All are welcome to attend. A livestream of the Mass will also be available at: .

Dominican Friars Youth Interfaith Video Contest

The Archdiocese of Toronto Office for Interreligious Dialogue invites students to participate in the Youth Interfaith Video Contest sponsored by the Dominican Friars of Toronto in collaboration with The Catholic Register, Interfaith Youth Alliance Movement (IYAM) and Salt + Light Media. The theme of the contest is, “Cultivating Friendship and Solidarity.” This is a wonderful opportunity for youth to explore the theme of how our diverse faith traditions call on us to Rebuild, Restore and Renew our communities together, through cultivating friendship and solidarity. We encourage participants to not only highlight the contest theme but to reach out to collaborate and engage with people of diverse cultural and religious  backgrounds. Entries can come from an individual or a team. The deadline is Tuesday, April 19, 2022. Details:

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience

Where are you in your marriage journey? Every marriage could use a boost. Learn easy-to-use communication tools to help enhance your relationship. Our proven program will guide you through practical and private exercises to refresh your wedding vows and to spark up your romance. Based on Catholic values and married couples of all faiths are welcome. Join us virtually on Friday, March 25 to Sunday, March 27, please contact: Gerard & Marge, 905-792-1925, .

Archdiocesan Survey on Synodality

Pope Francis has launched the Synod on Synodality: a two-year global process of listening to the faithful that will help the Church reflect on how we can do God’s will in the world today. The comments of the faithful will ultimately be discussed at a meeting of the bishops in the Vatican in 2023.   Please watch Cardinal Collin’s video explaining the synod and inviting you to participate: . Please visit: to learn more and share your thoughts by filling out a survey.

Livestream of Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass

For those not comfortable or able to return to mass yet, please join us on Sundays at 9:00 a.m.: .

For Reflection…

“Pain and suffering have come into your life, but remember pain, sorrow, suffering are but the kiss of Jesus — a sign that you have come so close to Him that He can kiss you.” St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta