

Publié : Jan-26-2022

From the Desk of Fr. Tim…

Younas Gill and Family Arriving Soon!

Our refugee family of 6 adults from Pakistan (via Thailand) will begin to arrive on Wednesday January 26, 2022. We have secured a semi-detached townhouse for them to live in for the coming year. Currently, we are asking our parishioners for assistance in one of three ways:

  • Specific donations to prepare the house for the family's arrival Please consult carefully the Donation list of specific items which are still needed. The updated list is attached separately to today’s email update. Given health and safety concerns all soft items (mattresses, bedding, clothing) must be new. All other items can be gently used. Should you be able to donate a specific item please send an email to: and wait for a confirmation reply before purchasing the desired item. Donations may be dropped off in the parish hall on the weekend of February 5/6 after all masses.
  • Donation of gift cards
  • Monetary donations (through your own envelope marked “Refugee Family support” or using the yellow Humanitarian Relief Envelopes at each door of the church). Both gift cards and monetary donations may be left in the offertory basket in the centre aisle of the church or mailed or dropped off at the parish office (when open).
  • Finally, we are searching for a local family doctor for this family of six…please let us know if you can assist with this request.

Thank you for your generosity in assisting our Refugee Committee in settling this family who have lived displaced in Thailand for over five years.

Archdiocesan Survey on Synodality
Pope Francis has launched the Synod on Synodality: a two-year global process of listening to the faithful that will help the Church reflect on how we can do God’s will in the world today. The comments of the faithful will ultimately be discussed at a meeting of the bishops in the Vatican in 2023.

You are encouraged to watch a video featuring Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, explaining the synod and inviting all Catholics to participate: To learn more about the Synod on Synodality and to share your thoughts, please visit:

How Do We Walk Together as Church? Embracing Pope Francis’ New Call to Synodality on Wednesday, February 16 at 11:00 a.m.

Join authors Moira McQueen and Massimo Faggioli for a robust conversation on the topic of Synodality and how the faithful at all levels can participate in Pope Francis’ call to solidarity and contribute to a rich reflection on a vibrant future for the Catholic Church. Moderated by Christopher White. This virtual event is sponsored by Novalis Publishing. The event is FREE by registering here:

Catholic Women’s League of Canada News here at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish

When the pandemic hit, in 2020, the CWL National office, asked the executive of all councils - at all levels of the League across the country to extend their term of office an extra year; and here at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, President Anne-Marie Dayal and her team, rose to the challenge. The extended term has come to an end and the elections were held January 18th, 2022, to elect a new executive. We would like to take this opportunity to thanks the outgoing executive for their commitment and service to the League and welcome the incoming executive.

Outgoing Executive: Anne-Marie Dayal, President; Patricia Cooper, Past President; Marlene Pascua, Treasurer, Debbie Bates, Recording Secretary; Mary Diamond, Corresponding Secretary; Standing Committee Chairpersons - Loy Cauilan, Organization and Linda Quinn, Spiritual Development

Incoming Executive: Debbie Bates, President; Anne-Marie Dayal, Past President; Marion Lorenzo, Treasurer; Diana Varcoe, Recording Secretary; Standing Committee Chairpersons; Mary-Jo Paz, Organization; Rozanne Zammit, Spiritual Development; Marlene Pascua, Communications and Irmgard Marcuzzi, Community Life.

Thank you to those who supported the CWL cookbook fundraiser. We will be able to meet our charity commitments and support member development and training. Cookbooks are still available @$15.00 each. Please call Debbie, 905-820-1239 to place an order.

The CWL General Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month (excluding July and August). All women (from 16 to 99 years old) are welcome and invited to attend. When in-person meetings are allowed, members meet in the Parish Hall. If unable to meet in person, virtual meetings are held on ZOOM. The next General Meeting is Tuesday, February 15. In person or virtual format to be confirmed in early February.

Livestream of Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass

For those not comfortable or able to return to mass, please join us virtually on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. . We appreciate you staying connected with us! If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call, 905-820-1444.

Friars’ Student Writing Contest

It is time once again for the Friars’ Student Writing Contest. Students aged 13-19 are invited to submit a 450-500-word essay for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
This year, the theme and the resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022 have been prepared by the Middle East Council of Churches based in Beirut, Lebanon. The theme of the contest is: “We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him” (Mt. 2:2). The deadline for the writing contest is Monday, February 14, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. Please see the poster for more contest details:

Parish Registration

If you are new to St. Ignatius Loyola Parish and you will be staying to worship with us, please fill out a registration form located on the table outside of the parish office or on the parish website. If your children attend one of our parish elementary schools or Loyola High School, you are not automatically registered in the parish. Also, if you are recently married or an adult no longer living with your parents, we kindly ask that you also register as a member of the parish.

If you wish to use Offertory envelopes, please let us know and we will reach out to you when your new 2022 offertory envelopes are ready for pick up.

2022 Offertory Envelopes/Pre-Authorized Giving

Thank you for your continued support of our parish during these challenging times, especially through your use of offertory envelopes and/or Pre-Authorized Giving (PAG). Offertory envelopes for 2022 are available in the parish hall and have been pre-assigned and sorted alphabetically by last name. Please observe social distancing when picking up your envelopes.

For parishioners already using PAG, please note that special collection envelopes are not part of PAG. You will find the special collection envelopes in your offertory envelope box.

To register for PAG please complete the forms located in each foyer of the church or the electronic version.

Your Financial Support is Appreciated

Thank you once again for your generosity and support of our parish community especially by placing your envelope in the offertory basket before mass or mailing in your donations, or donating via Pre-Authorized Giving (PAG forms available through parish website) or by credit card, or single or monthly donations through the “Donate now” button at or through our parish website

Are You Ticked?

To verify that you are an English Separate (Catholic) School supporter, please check the assessment section of your Tax Bill or Property Assessment Notice. To register as a Separate School Supporter or change your Direction of School Support, please contact the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board here: Direction of School Support ( .

Church Bulletin Advertising

Liturgical Publications will be setting up the advertisements for our church bulletin. The advertising will begin in April 2022 and supports the bulletin service. Please support the bulletin and advertise your product or service. Call Liturgical Publications, 905-624-4422.