

Publié : Jun-22-2022

From the Desk of Fr. Tim...

Thank you, Fr John

We are grateful and thankful for Fr John Stuka’s ministry here at the parish as associate pastor over the last year. This weekend, you will have an opportunity to thank him in person and wish him God’s blessings as he moves to his new assignment at St. Stephen’s Centre, Toronto.

MaryGrove Camp Collection

For the first time since 2019, Camp Marygrove will be operating once again this summer. Marygrove provides an 8-day camping experience for young girls who may not otherwise have the opportunity due to financial or domestic hardships. Each camper’s holiday is fully subsidized exclusively through the generous support of an annual Camp Collection held in all parishes across the Archdiocese of Toronto. June 25th/26th marks the weekend of Camp Marygrove’s special collection here at St Ignatius Loyola. No matter how large or small, please consider donating along with your usual weekly offering. The special yellow envelopes are already included within your box of 2022 offertory envelopes. God bless you for all that you do to support this unique opportunity for our neighbours in need.

Summer Saturday Mass Schedule/ Summer Sunday Parish Office Hours

In the months of July and August we will only offer the Saturday 9:00 a.m. mass on the first Saturday of each month: Saturday, July 2 and Saturday, August 6. Regular Saturday 9:00 a.m. masses will resume on Saturday, September 3.

The parish office will be closed on Saturdays throughout the months of July and August, but will be open instead on Sundays from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Canada Day Mass – Friday July 1

Please join us in celebrating Canada on Friday July 1 at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome!

ShareLife agencies need your support, now more than ever

Did you know that, through your support, no one is turned away from ShareLife-funded
agencies due to inability to pay? One of these agencies whose work you make possible is
Catholic Crosscultural Services (CCS).

“The pandemic has affected the newcomer and refugee communities we serve greatly,” the agency reports. Thanks to you, CCS continued its settlement and mental health services for this marginalized population without interruption.

Thank you to our generous parishioners who have already donated $161,562.97 towards our goal of $255,000.00. This amount includes the fundraising efforts of our three parish elementary schools, All Saints - $1,800.87, St. Clare - $500.00, and St. Mark - $293.75, as well as Loyola Catholic Secondary School - $3,065.00.

As we continue to recover from the pandemic, your continued support is truly appreciated.

Please donate at the parish using a ShareLife envelope, online through our parish website, or directly to ShareLife by selecting St. Ignatius Loyola Parish where it says, “please choose your parish.” Thank you!

Catholic Women’s League Cake Raffle & Cookbook Thank You

Once again, the Father’s Day Cake Raffle was a great success. Thank you to the talented bakers who donated cakes and to the CWL members who coordinated and facilitated the event. A special thanks is extended to all the parishioners who supported this fundraiser which raised over $1,000. for charity.

We, the members of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada council here at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish, thank all of you who have supported and continue to support our 5th Anniversary Cookbook fundraiser over the past 7 months. It has allowed us to donate to a number of charities and organizations at home and abroad, including: a teenager sponsored via Chalice Canada; Catholic Missions in Canada; Development & Peace; Bishop F. Pappin Memorial Bursary Fund; Margaret Ann Jacobs - Catholic Children’s Aid Foundation Scholarship Fund; St. Michaels College Scholarship Fund; Sisters of Life; Right to Life; Vita Centre – Mississauga; The Open Door @ Square One; the Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief Fund and our Refugee Family here @ St. Ignatius Loyola Parish.

The Culinary Wonders of the League recipe book by the St. Ignatius Loyola C.W.L. members celebrating their 5th Anniversary is available for purchase in the parish office for $15 each.

Without your support none of this would have been possible. Thank you!

Gardening Committee Thank You and Update

Thank you to the Gardening Committee and everyone who volunteered on June 4. We have received so many compliments about the general display of the plants and care because of that effort.

Due to time restraints on June 4, the cleanup project was not completed. Therefore, we will be having a second garden clean-up on Saturday, June 25 from 9:00 am - 12 noon and volunteers are still needed! We will be filling the existing empty spots with more plants and soil, weeding, mulching, and watering.

When you come, please dress appropriately for outdoor activities, which include weeding, pruning, transporting of soil and mulch, edging borders, digging, removing, and planting of perennials. Bring along any garden tools and mark them, if possible, for easy identification: wheel barrels, shovels, edgers, weed pickers, pruners, hand saws and garden gloves. Don't forget your sunscreen and hat.

We will gather at the parking lot near the hall doors at 9:00 a.m., do a brief introduction, among old and new members, and discuss the work for the day. The new members will head off to the rectory with Emma Chow, and Jill Buyer with the regular gardening team will stay at the church ground, to begin the cleanup. Please be rest assured that you are only expected to do according to your physical capability. Know your limits and do not overexert yourselves.

Highschool students requiring community services hours are welcome! If you would like to volunteer, please email Caroline asap.

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul News

Our parish SSVP held an election at the end of May to elect a new president for our conference. We would like to thank Steven Chin-Cheong for leading this ministry over the past six years and welcome Peggy Schreader as new president for a three-year term. All other members of the executive are, after consultation, appointed to their positions.

Please remember all in our ministry and those we assist in your prayers. We thank you for your continued support.

Carmel Heights Spring Bazaar, June 25 & July 9

Please come out to support the Carmel Heights, 1720 Sherwood Forest Circle,  Mississauga on Saturday June 25, and Saturday July 9 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The items available for sale include religious items, furniture, chairs, office items, lamps, pictures, towels, nick-knacks, jewelry, books, vases, and outdoor furniture. Your support is appreciated!

Moving to a new home or out of the parish?

Please let us know if you are moving to a new home or out of the parish so that we can update your address, 905-820-1444 or

Livestream of Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass

For those not comfortable or able to return to mass yet, we invite you to join us on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. via our livestream at .

Our Summer 2022 Email Updates will be sent on
Wednesday July 13 and Wednesday August 10.