
E-Newsletter - April 19, 2023

Posted : Apr-20-2023


From the Desk of Fr. Tim…


Easter Thank You!

Thank you for joining us throughout Holy Week and Easter. It was wonderful to see the church full once again! Let us continue to rejoice in the light of Christ’s resurrection and seek to be a light to others whom we will encounter throughout the Easter Season.


Congratulations and Blessings… the newest members of our parish our parish community baptized into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil: Emily Anna Barrowclough, Sudhir Bindal, and and Devin Matush and John Robert Foote who was received into the Catholic Church.

Special thanks to our RCIA team, Franka Lowe (coordinator), Joan Cabri, Peter Mui, and to their sponsors Edwin Fernandes, David Foster, Marian Foster, Edna Kabelin, and Joanna Zygarowicz-Foote, and to Fr. Alex who journeyed with them.


Lent and Holy Week Sacred Triduum Thank You…

There were many individuals and groups who were involved in the celebration of Lent and Holy Week 2023. We would like to thank all of them on behalf of the whole St. Ignatius Loyola parish community.

For the Art and Environment… which created a beautiful atmosphere of prayer and Easter joy by the wonderful members of the Floral Committee, Altar Guild and Altar Guild Linens.

For the Hospitality Committee…both women and men who cheerfully greeted and welcomed you under the direction of Caroline Borcsok

For our Ministers of the Word…organized by Maureen Kelly, the Ministers of the Eucharist arranged by Audrey D’Souza…and Jacqueline Mullan who coordinated the Altar Servers.

For the Music Ministry…and their talented gifts of prayerful song during Lent and throughout Holy Week and Easter, especially Melodie Austria, Natalie Cabri, Ed Cyfko, Claudia Ferro,

Cheryl Hodges, Megan Miceli, Sarah Thusiar, and Christine Wall.

For the donations of potted flowers and plants…from our parishioners which made the Sanctuary reflect the glorious Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection.


First Communion 2023

We are delighted that 87 children will be receiving their First Holy Communion at special 2:00 p.m. masses on Sunday April 23 and Sunday April 30.

Congratulations to them and their parents who have guided them to this special day in their lives!   Special thanks as well for our Grade 2 teachers in the RCIC programme Lynn Alp, Avelina Garofalo and Victoria Purri as well as the Grade 2 teachers at St. Clare, St. Mark, and All Saints Schools.


ShareLife 2023:  ShareLife Sunday April 30

Next week, we will be holding the second collection in our parish’s ShareLife campaign. We ask for your kind generosity and support once again.

As Catholics, we are called to care for one another – and especially for those in need. One of the ways we do this is through our support of ShareLife. We express this love and care by supporting the work of ShareLife-funded agencies. Through their programs and services, we can fulfill this commandment.

Thus far, we have raised $47,500 toward our goal of $230,000. Please give at the parish using a ShareLife envelope, online through our parish website, or at .

Thank you for “living the Gospel” through our parish ShareLife campaign.


Deacon John’s Homily April 15/16

I thank Deacon John for his ministry at the parish, and especially for his words in last Sunday’s homily about how his faith as an Indigenous person is not defined by the deplorable actions of some Catholics towards Indigenous peoples in our history.   I include an excerpt of his homily below…

Our faith is something we should live and experience in our everyday lives. In the words of today’s second reading, we should “rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy” in our relationship with Jesus because our faith tells us that our life is a sharing in Jesus’ resurrection. This is how our faith should feel.

If we look at our faith in this way, as something that is alive and defines our relationship with Jesus, not only will our faith guide the way we live, but, just as important, our faith won’t be shaken by what others say or do.

Let me give you an example. I’m often asked how as an Indigenous person I’m able to keep my faith when members of the Catholic Church committed such atrocities on Indigenous people for so many years.

My answer, simply put, is that the sins of those members do not define my faith, they do not define my relationship with Jesus, and they do not reflect what our Catholic faith is.

As Cardinal Collins declared, the actions of those members “were inexcusable, intolerable and a betrayal of trust in one of its most serious forms.”

And Pope Francis condemned their conduct in these words:

What our Christian faith tells us is that this was a disastrous error, incompatible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ… In the face of this deplorable evil, the Church kneels before God and implores his forgiveness…

I refuse to let the deplorable evil of others undermine my belief in Jesus, my faith in Jesus, my relationship with Jesus. You should also refuse to let that happen. Their conduct does not reflect or define our Catholic faith. As Pope Francis declared, it was “incompatible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ”.

This is what our faith should feel like. Rather than turning our back on our faith when confronted with evil we should work harder to show others, through our words and actions, what our faith is and why it is so strong.


Knights of Columbus Dinner/Dance on Friday May 26

You are cordially invited to a night of food, drinks, and dancing (featuring the rock ‘n roll music of Little Peter and the Elegants) at our Annual Fundraiser Dinner Dance, hosted by the Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of Peace Council #8668!

When:  Friday May 26, 2023

Cocktails:  6:00 p.m.

Buffet Dinner:  7:00 p.m.

Dancing:  8:30 p.m.

Where:  Oakville Legacy Banquet Hall, 1173 North Service Road East, Oakville

Cost:  $70 per person

Don't miss the chance to participate in our 50/50 draw and silent auction. All the proceeds will go towards supporting local charities.  Bring your loved ones and let’s have a night of fun!

Get your tickets in one of three ways:

  1. (and click on the events link)
  2. Send an email to: for a direct link
  3. Purchase Tickets after mass on the weekends of May 6/7 or May 13/14 at church

Please join us on Friday May 26 for a great evening out!


March for Life – Ottawa – Thursday May 11

The annual national March for Life will take place on May 11 on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Join the Rally against government-sanctioned abortion-on-demand and euthanasia, to demand legal protection for every human being from conception to natural death.  Several buses will leave from Mississauga (same day return) and the cost is $50 per person for the round trip.

For more details please visit:  or contact the Mississauga Right to Life  at  or call Clare, 905-625-7213.  


Society of Saint Vincent de Paul “Bundle Sunday”

The next Bundle Sunday will take place on the weekend of May 27/28 before and after all the masses.  The container will be in the front parking lot and SSVP volunteers will be happy to assist you with your donations. Please see the flyer on the bulletin boards for more details.


Catholic Education Week 2023 - April 30 to May 5

During Catholic Education Week, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will celebrate the significant contribution that Catholic Education has made to the community, the province and to Canada. Our Catholic Graduate Expectations challenge students to articulate in society those fundamental values that underpin Catholic education. ​Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to highlight the partnership that remains the foundation of Catholic education between our Catholic schools and local Catholic parishes.
The theme for this year’s Catholic Education Week is:  Catholic Education: We are Many, We are One. Please visit our parish schools Loyola Catholic Secondary School, All Saints, St. Clare, and St. Mark Elementary Schools for more details about activities and celebrations.


Parish Rectory Cook Needed

An experienced cook is needed in our parish rectory on a permanent part-time basis.  This person would be required to work four days per week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday), four hours per day. They would prepare lunch or supper for priests and guests and would also be required to shop for food items and monitor menus and spending.  If interested, please forward your resume to Fr. Tim Hanley either electronically to or by dropping it off at the parish office.


ACTS Canada Spring Retreats

The Women’s Retreat will take place on May 4 - 6 and the Men’s retreat will take place on May 25 - 28 at Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre, Mississauga. The theme for the ACTS Spring retreat is They Devoted Themselves. For more information or to download a registration form, please visit: .


Upcoming Retreats at Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre

A Day with Mary, Mother of Jesus

When: Saturday May 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The retreat will be facilitated by Fr. Daniel and Anne Hales. The cost is $45.00, and lunch is included.

A Day Retreat for Cancer Patients and Caregivers

When: Thursday May 18 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The retreat will be facilitated by

Anne Hales and Betty Dotzko. A Relic of St. Peregrine will be in the chapel and Fr. Daniel will celebrate mass. The cost is $45.00, and lunch is included.

A Day of Retreat for Seniors

When: Wednesday, May 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The retreat will be facilitated by

Fr. Daniel and Anne Hales.  The cost is $45.00, and lunch is included.

For any questions or to register for any of the retreat days, please contact Jean, 905-278-5229 or .