
E-Newsletter - May 31, 2023

已发布 : Jun-01-2023


From the Desk of Fr. Tim…


Show Your Love for Others by Giving on ShareLife Sunday, June 3/4

This weekend we warmly welcome Fr. Tom Rosica csb, to the parish as our guest homilist. 

The Gospel for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity talks about God’s love for us that he gave us his only Son for us to be saved through his life and sacrifice.  We are called to live by this love and faithfulness. Your generous contributions speak of love for others and allow ShareLife agencies take care of those in most need.

Today is also the third ShareLife Sunday of the year. If you have not yet donated, you may give at the parish using a ShareLife envelope, online through our parish website, or at . Thank you for your generosity and for living the Gospel by giving to ShareLife!


Church and Foyer Flooring Replacement and Sanctuary Renovation Project, June 19 to September 8, 2023

Our church carpet has served us well and has been in place since the church was built 36 years ago!  This summer we are replacing it with large porcelain tiles throughout the church, sanctuary, main and hall foyers. The carpet on the rounded sanctuary stairs and presider’s platform area will be replaced with marble.

In conjunction with the flooring improvements, the parish Property and Finance Committee has approved and decided to also proceed with switching the tabernacle and Mary statue/Baptismal font locations due to the high traffic area near the hall doors and the congestion in that area after mass. 

In other words, the existing tabernacle alcove area will be lowered to floor level and the Mary statue and Baptismal font will be placed in that area.  Therefore, the existing Mary statue/Baptismal font alcove area will be raised to sanctuary level and the tabernacle will be placed in that alcove. 

There will be three stages to this project:

Stage I:  Beginning Monday June 19, all weekday and Saturday morning masses will move to the parish hall until Friday September 8.  Access to the parish office will remain open through the front doors. Saturday weddings, funerals and all weekend masses will remain in the church until Sunday July 16.

Stage II:  Beginning Monday July 17 until Friday September 1, the church will be entirely closed but the parish office access will remain open.  All weekend masses will move across the parking lot to the cafetorium at Kateri Centre (the old Loyola High School where we gathered for mass from 1982-1987 before the construction of the church).

Please note that during this stage, we will unfortunately not be able to offer the livestreaming of our Sunday 9:00 a.m. mass.  We hope to return to the livestreaming on Sunday September 3.

Stage III:  Beginning on Saturday September 2, we plan to return to the church for Saturday weddings, funerals, and all weekend masses. A return to the church for weekday masses is scheduled to begin on Monday September 11.

Please note that while the church offices will remain closed on Mondays during the Renovation Project. The church and hall will also close each Monday after the 9:00 a.m. Mass beginning on Monday June 19.

Please know that we are trying our best to make sure that the renovation projects proceed according to our announced timelines.

We appreciate that these projects are disruptive to our regular routines, but we also know that our parish community is wonderful and supportive.  Thank you!


Society of St. Vincent de Paul Bundle-Up Sunday Thank you!

A sincere Thank You to everyone who was able to help Support the efforts of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul by donating your gently used items this past weekend.  The container was almost completely full! We will be having another Bundle Up Sunday sometime in the fall.

A special word of thanks to Lester Storey and his team for receiving the donations on behalf of the SSVP.


Special Collection: Marygrove Camp, June 24/25

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Toronto Central Council, helps over 1,000 girls each summer, registering eligible campers through home visits including those in our own parish.

Marygrove Camp is a residential camp situated on Georgian Bay in Ontario, open to eligible girls ages 5-13. Marygrove provides a camping experience for children who may not otherwise have the opportunity to enjoy a camping adventure. Families who are experiencing financial or domestic hardship may contact the Society directly to determine their eligibility.

Special Marygrove Camp donation envelopes are included in your offertory envelope boxes. There are extra donation envelopes available on the tables in the front and hall foyers.


The Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Friday June 16

This year, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will take place on June 16, 2023. May our devotion to the Sacred Heart help us, day by day, to see, love, and follow Jesus.  As in the past, throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto, there is a particular emphasis on the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the month of June. Please visit, Archdiocese of Toronto - Sacred Heart Jesus ( for resources which include reflection questions and activities for children.


Father’s Day Cake Raffle, June 17/18

Mark your calendars for June 17/18 for our Annual Father’s Day Cake Raffle!

You’ll be able to buy a ticket or tickets for one of the amazing 5 cakes that will be raffled off after all the masses in the parish hall.

The Ladies of the CWL are inviting parishioners who might be interested in baking a special Father’s Day themed cake to contribute to this fund-raising venture.

If you can bake for the fundraiser, please email Marian Foster at before Tuesday June 13.


Coffee Sunday, June 17/18

While you are in the hall purchasing your CWL Father’s Day Cake raffle tickets, please join us for a cup of coffee, tea or juice and a cookie.

If you’re interested in being part of the Coffee Sunday ministry, please forward your name and contact information to Caroline,


St. Jude’s Cupboard, June 17/18

Our small holy shop, St. Jude’s Cupboard will also be open during the CWL Father’s Day Cake Raffle and Coffee Sunday. Please stop by and check out the rosaries and other religious items that we have for sale. All proceeds go to support the Social Outreach Ministry which buys groceries for the Salvation Army Food Bank at the Collegeway and Glen Erin Drive.

If you’re interested in being part of the St. Jude’s Cupboard or the Social Outreach ministries, please forward your name and contact information to Caroline,


The Joyful Knitters

Our parish knitting group that meets on Monday afternoons from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. in the parish hall needs more yarn! Donations of any kind of scrap yarn or new balls of yarn would be greatly appreciated.