
E-Newsletter - October 11, 2023

已发布 : Oct-16-2023

From the Desk of Fr. Tim…


Coffee Sunday/Stewardship Sunday Follow-Up October 14/15

As a follow up to Archbishop Leo’s Stewardship Sunday homily, I am most grateful to all of you who are already involved in one or more of our 30 ministries here at the parish…we are greatly blessed to have such involvement! 

While we will not have a full-scale Ministry Fair as we did in October 2022, we will have a Coffee Sunday and ministry representatives in the hall after each mass this weekend.   We invite you to consider offering your gifts and charisms, especially the following ministries who will have displays in the parish hall:  Altar Servers, Catholic Women’s League, Coffee Sunday, EDGE, Hospitality, and the Knights of Columbus.  For other ministries please visit me at my table in the parish hall!

Carmela LaConte will also be selling her beautiful, handcrafted rosaries and rosary bracelets. All proceeds go directly to support Dr. Andrew Simone’s Canadian Food for Children charity.


Thanksgiving Food Drive and Display Thank You!

A sincere thank you to the Knights of Columbus under the direction of Grand Knight, Mike Genua, who received your food donations and delivered them to the Salvation Army Food Bank at Glen Erin and the Collegeway Drive after all the Sunday masses.

Thanks also to Anthony and Gay Longo, and the Winston Churchill Longo’s store who donated the potted plants and fresh vegetables for the Thanksgiving displays in the sanctuary.

We also wish to thank the design team – Chico Bolivar, Caroline Borcsok and Yvette Mondragon for the beautiful harvest themed displays.


EDGE Ministry for Youth in Grades 6, 7 and 8!

The EDGE Youth Ministry begins Friday, October 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the parish hall. The cost is $20 including materials and refreshments.

At EDGE Social and Issue Nights, scripture, talks, videos, and games create an exciting opportunity to make the Catholic faith and everyday life come together in a new way! We discuss interesting and important topics that affect our life and our faith journey. The program runs in the parish hall every 2nd and 4th Friday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. from October to May 2024 (except Christmas break). 

Please visit the EDGE sign-up table in the parish hall this weekend!


Bible Study

Everyone is invited to register for our next 5-week bible study from Ascension Press entitled,

A Biblical Walk Through the Mass in the parish hall this weekend.  The materials cost is $40 per person and the study begins Thursday October 19 through until Thursday November 16 from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. in the parish hall.

The Mass is nothing short of amazing. Through it, we encounter God in the most intimate way possible as we hear him speak to us in the Liturgy of the Word and as we receive him Body and Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist.  The words, the gestures, and the rituals of the Mass are rich in meaning. Everything we say and do in the Liturgy is steeped in biblical language. A Biblical Walk Through the Mass explores the extraordinary biblical roots of the Liturgy and reveals what it all means and why it all matters. This fascinating tour of the Mass will renew your faith and deepen your love for and devotion to the Holy Eucharist.

Filmed at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia, this 10th anniversary edition of A Biblical Walk Through the Mass is newly revised and updated.


Catholic Women’s League of Canada, General Meeting

The next CWL General Meeting is Tuesday, October 17.  You are invited to gather in the church at 6:30 p.m. to pray the Rosary with the meeting to follow at 7:00 p.m. in the parish hall.

This month, we will have the CWL National Unity Outreach Initiative presentation, led by Hilarion Mitchell the Past President/Historian of the CWL Toronto Diocesan Council. You will have the opportunity to share your opinions on various League topics. Please plan to attend, your voice is important.

If you are new to the parish or thinking of joining the CWL, contact Debbie Bates please contact  for more information. All are welcome!


The Knights of Columbus present…Oktoberfest!

Join us for a fun Oktoberfest night on Saturday, October 28 at 6:00 p.m. in the parish hall.  Enjoy BBQ sausage, cold craft beer, chips, soft drinks, and live music by the Sparklettes. Tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for kids. Buy them from the Knights of Columbus on October 14/15 or in the church office on October 21/22. Cash only. Don’t miss this festive event! Prost!


First Reconciliation/First Communion Late Registration Meeting

Parents and Guardians of Grade 2 children who missed last week’s Registration Meeting are invited to visit the parish office to submit their registration forms (including baptismal certificates) and are invited to a Late Registration Meeting for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion on Saturday October 22 at 2:00 p.m. in the church.

If your child has not received registration materials electronically through one of our three parish schools, materials may be picked up from the parish office, or found through the parish website (look under “Parish Life”, then “Sacramental Preparation”).  Please note that no late registrations will be accepted after Saturday October 22.


The Office of Catholic Youth in the Archdiocese of Toronto presents…

Spiritus West October Gathering

Young Adults (19-35) from across the region are gathering at Sts. Martha and Mary parish for fellowship and formation. The topic of the night is Scripture and Tradition, getting us back to the fundamentals of our faith.

Please join us on Wednesday October 18 at 7:00 p.m. for the talk and social. The event is free, and snacks will be provided. No need to RSVP.


Free Estate Planning Seminar, In-Person

On Saturday October 21 at 9:00 a.m., Catholic Cemeteries and the estate planning team will share information about Wills, Powers of Attorney, Estate Trustee selection, creating your own legacy, advantages of pre-arranging funeral, burial and cremation, cost savings, finding lawyers and estate planning advisors, and Church guidelines traditions around wills, burial, and funerals.

The seminar will take place at Assumption Catholic Cemetery, Our Lady of the Rosary Mausoleum, 6933 Tomken Rd. Mississauga and a free estate planning kit will be provided.  Please RSVP to Frank Jannetta, Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services, 466-733-8544 ext., 2023 or


Free Catholic Estate Planning Webinar

If you would prefer to join a free Catholic Estate Planning webinar on

Saturday October 28 at 9:00 a.m., please follow the steps below:

1. follow this QR link:

2. send an email to: and write “webinar Oct 28” in the title line + your name(s) in the body of the message.

The webinar is presented by the Development Office, Archdiocese of Toronto.


The 2023 Women Together Retreat

Queen of Apostles invites all women to the 2023 Women Together Retreat including Mass on Wednesday October 25. Registration is at 8:30 a.m. The retreat facilitators are Anne Hales and Questa Fernandes.

Coffee/tea with muffins and a hot lunch will be provided. The cost is $45. To register please call, 905-278-5229 or .


40 Days for Life, September 27 – November 5

We encourage our parishioners to take part by committing to an hour to stand vigil in prayer near the Mississauga Women’s Centre at 101 Queensway. The St. Ignatius Loyola Parish date is Thursday, October 26 from 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. For information or to register please visit: .


Please join us at the end of each mass in praying the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel:


Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.   

Be our defense against the wickedness

and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;

and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,

by the power of God,

thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits

who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.
