

已发布 : Apr-27-2022

From the Desk of Fr. Tim…

First Communion 2022

We are delighted that 76 of children will be receiving their First Holy Communion at special 2:00 p.m. masses on Sunday May 1 and Sunday May 8.

Congratulations to the children and to their parents who have guided them to this special day in their lives! Special thanks as well for our Grade 2 teachers in the RCIC programme, Lynn Alp, Victoria Borcsok and Erin Gumieniak, as well as the Principals and Grade 2 teachers at St. Clare, St. Mark, and All Saints Schools.

ShareLife Sunday – Living the Gospel

“ShareLife is the way the rubber hits the road. This is how we validate the legitimacy and integrity of our Christian life: not by the words we speak, but by the love we share, in practical ways. That’s what we do with ShareLife.” – Cardinal Thomas Collins

Today is the second collection in our parish’s ShareLife campaign. We are fortunate to have ShareLife-funded agencies that reach out to the marginalized in our communities, especially so during the pandemic.

As Catholics, we are called to care for one another. One of the ways we do this is through our support of ShareLife. We express this love and care by supporting the work of ShareLife-funded agencies. Through their programs and services, we can fulfill this commandment.

As a pastor, it is reassuring to know that I can refer those who come to me for guidance with difficult family issues to a Catholic Family Service agency that will be attentive to our beliefs and values as they help them.

These services are made possible through our generosity toward ShareLife. When you support these agencies, you are helping them to grow in response to the increased demand for service they face. This results in a positive impact on the lives of those who turn to them for help.

Thus far we have raised $94,871.60toward our goal of $255,000. Thank you for “living the Gospel” through our parish ShareLife campaign. If you have not contributed to date, please consider doing so through the collection basket or at

Livestream of Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass

For those not comfortable or able to return to mass quite yet we continue to encourage you to view the livestream of our Sunday 9 a.m. Mass via our parish website:

Volunteer Recognition Week, April 24 - 30, 2022

The Archdiocese of Toronto's Volunteer Recognition Week: Hands and Heart of Service is being celebrated this week in collaboration with Volunteer Canada's National Volunteer Week. This is a time of thanks and appreciation for our dedicated volunteers who selflessly serve our parish community with their hands and heart, following the example of Jesus and in response to His call to service for each of us. “Now that I, your Lord, and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” John 13:14.

Everyday parishioners generously give their time and talent to nurture and strengthen the community and share the Gospel. We recognize that our parish ministry volunteers are at the heart of the Archdiocesan call to stewardship and are instrumental in all that we do as a welcoming parish community. We thank and recognize the difference you make in your faithful and wholehearted service to our parish ministries- especially during these last two years of pandemic!

While I am disappointed that we will not to be able to host our traditional early May Ministry Appreciation Event again this year, we do look forward to the time when we can celebrate!

Catholic Education Week, May 1 - 5, 2022 “Rebuild, Renew, Restore Together”

During Catholic Education Week we give thanks for the gift of publicly funded Catholic Education in our province. Catholic schools foster supportive communities where young people can experience the joy of God’s love and understand the Christian mission in the world. Together, our parishes, educators and families sow the seeds of faith with the next generation of Catholics, challenging them to live as joyful and faithful disciples. To affirm your support of Catholic education and sign-up for email updates, visit:

Are you ticked? Support Catholic Education

Please make sure that you are identified as an English Separate School Supporter by checking the assessment section of your Tax Bill or Property Assessment Notice.

When you direction your support to the Catholic system, you are sending the government a powerful message that says you support Catholic schools in your community, you want to see Catholic schools continue to exist and flourish and you want equitable resources for your Catholic schools.

To register, check or change your Direction of School Support Designation, contact the Admissions Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24512 or email:

Women’s Retreat at Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre, Saturday May 7, 2022

Join us for a one-day retreat entitled, Women of Faith: Timeless Footprints from 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. concluding with Mass. The cost is $40.00. Please call Queen of Apostles at 905-278-5229 or to register.

Parish Evening of Reflection: The Resurrection Stories of the Gospels on
Wednesday May 25, 2022, at 7:00 pm. in the church (also livestreamed)

We welcome Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB back to our parish community in this Easter Season as he leads us in a meditative reflection on the Resurrection Stories of the four Gospels. Fr. Tom is a scripture scholar, teacher, and long-time friend of our parish community.

While we will be not able to hold our tradition dinner as part of the evening, we look forward to having you join us at 7:00 p.m. for Fr. Rosica's presentation that will include time for personal and group reflection on these important stories of our Catholic faith. No tickets are required - just come in person or watch via livestream,

Spiritus West Young Adult Ministry, Office of Catholic Youth, Archdiocese of Toronto on Wednesday May 4 at 7:00 p.m. presents…

Purgatory: punishment or purification? What do we understand about purgatory and how can we ensure we "make it" to heaven?

Purgatory is the least understood of the three possible “destinations” when we die and is mysterious to many of us. Purgatory is God's merciful plan for allowing us to rediscover the joy and freedom of being human, the joy for which we were created but which sin has smothered and distorted. Join Fr. Paul Pearson and the young adults of the western region of the Archdiocese of Toronto for a night about reflecting on what happens after death.

Fr. Paul Pearson is the Rector and Dean of Saint Philip’s Seminary in Toronto. He has written the books, “Spiritual Direction from Dante: Avoiding the Inferno”, “Spiritual Direction from Dante: Ascending Mount Purgatory” and “Spiritual Direction from Dante: Yearning for Paradise”.

Signed copies of the books will be available at the event for purchase. The social starts at 6:40 p.m.