

已发布 : Oct-06-2021

From the Desk of Fr Tim…

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Again, this year we will be hosting a “Drive By” Thanksgiving Food Drive in aid of the local Salvation Army Food Bank (Glen Erin Drive and The Collegeway) before and after each Mass on this upcoming Thanksgiving Weekend October 9-10. We thank the Knights of Columbus for their availability with their vehicles parked in the far end of the parking area in front of the church…please circle by that area with your car and they will retrieve your items from your trunk.

The non-perishable items most needed by the foodbank at this time are peanut butter, drinking boxes, spaghetti sauce, kraft dinner and cookies.

Thank you in advance for remembering those in need at Thanksgiving!

Capacity Limits – Church and Hall – Sundays 10:30 A.M. and Noon Masses

For the past few weeks, we have been at capacity in both the church (approximately 110 people) and parish hall (60 people) at both the Sunday 10:30 a.m. and Noon masses. To avoid disappointment, it might be best to try to come at one of the other masses: Saturday 5:00 p.m. or Sunday 7:45 a.m. or Sunday 9:00 a.m. Thank you for your co-operation…it is great to see more of you back at Mass!

Archdiocese COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Staff and Volunteers

Cardinal Collins writes:

I very strongly urge every Catholic to become fully vaccinated, though we will make every effort to ensure places of worship remain open and accessible to all, regardless of vaccination status. The church should serve as a respite, a sanctuary of peace, prayer and welcome. We are heartened to see that the provincial government has not required proof of vaccination to enter a place of worship.

We must also maintain a safe working environment. Clergy, staff and volunteers have the greatest person-to-person interaction in parish/office settings and thus, a heightened risk for transmission of Covid-19. To ensure a safe workplace and to welcome the faithful with an additional level of health and safety, on a temporary basis, we are asking that clergy, staff and volunteers be fully vaccinated or be subject to regular rapid tests.

Effective Friday October 8, 2021, the Archdiocese of Toronto requires that all clergy and staff members, as well as all volunteers, lectors, eucharistic ministers, choir members, ushers, and individuals performing similar functions (collectively, “Volunteers and Lay Ministers”) attending the workplace be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

To be considered fully vaccinated, all the above-noted groups are required to provide proof of 2nd vaccination as issued by the Ontario Ministry of Health (in hard or soft copy). Clergy and parish staff members will provide this to me as pastor, and all others are asked to forward proof to our lay pastoral associate Caroline Borcsok. After discussion with and agreement by the pastor those who wish to remain in ministry and have not provided proof of vaccination must provide proof of a recent negative COVID-19 test result (in hard or soft copy) to the pastor. For the purposes of this Policy, a test result will be considered “recent” if the individual received the test result within the preceding seven days, or such other time-period as we may require.

I thank all our dedicated volunteers for their continued ministry, and for their overwhelming co-operation in helping us to maintain a safe parish environment with this proof of vaccination request.

Bible Study, “Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible

On Thursday October 21 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. we will be having our registration evening in the parish hall for our next 8-week bible study from Ascension Press entitled “Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible”. Ascension Press is doing some exciting new things in bible study and faith resources, and we hope you will enjoy this study. Registration will be $30 per person and materials will be provided, however the bible study itself will continue to be offered virtually via Zoom. The study will begin on Thursday October 28 and will end on Thursday December 16.

Indigenous Peoples: Update from Canadian Bishops/An Evening with Deacon John
on Wednesday November 3, 2021

Cardinal Collins writes:
We have a responsibility to take genuine and meaningful steps to journey with Indigenous people and communities on the path to reconciliation, and to assist in healing the trauma experienced from the residential school system. We mourn the suffering and loss of those who have died as well as the intergenerational trauma that remains for survivors and their loved ones.

Just a few days ago, the Bishops of Canada released a public apology to the Indigenous Peoples of this Land which can be found here:

Planning is also underway for the December 2021 delegation to Rome to meet with Pope Francis. Over four days, the Holy Father will engage in dialogue with residential school survivors, Elders and Knowledge Keepers from First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities.

Canada’s Catholic Bishops also recently announced a $30 million national financial pledge to support healing and reconciliation. As previously communicated, the Archdiocese of Toronto will participate in this effort, and we are working closely with Indigenous partners to determine key areas of funding and support.

We have also worked together with staff and clergy to learn about the history of residential schools in this country while also providing additional resources and opportunities for Indigenous cultural awareness. Please visit where you can find additional resources, prayers and updates to assist with your own education and reflection.

Here at St. Ignatius Loyola, we would like to invite you to join Deacon John Brown who will lead us in an Evening of Truth and Reconciliation about these issues on Wednesday November 3 at 7 p.m. Further details about this event, and how to reserve a space via Eventbrite will be given in our next update on October 19.

First Reconciliation/First Eucharist 2021-22

We have begun our preparation for these sacraments with Registration and Meetings last week, and registration materials available on our parish website as well as having been sent electronically to the families of all Grade 2 students at St. Clare, St. Mark, and All Saints Schools. Late registrations will only be accepted until Friday October 22 and should be sent electronically to the parish office at

40 Days for Life Fall Campaign - September 22 to October 31, 2021

We encourage our parishioners to take part by committing to an hour to stand vigil in prayer near the Mississauga Women’s Clinic at 101 Queensway. Our parish date is on Thursday, October 21 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. For more information, and to register online go to: Please support this important endeavor to save the lives of precious and helpless babies.

Livestream of Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass

For those not comfortable or able to return to mass quite yet we continue to encourage you to view the livestream of our Sunday 9 a.m. Mass via OUR NEW PARISH WEBSITE OR OUR EXISTING WEBSITE (SOON TO BE PHASED OUT)

ShareLife 2021: Living the Gospel by supporting frontline workers

Day in and day out, frontline workers have been working tirelessly during the pandemic. While they are there for us, who is there for them? Catholic Family Services agencies have served countless people who are on the front lines during the pandemic, providing counselling and support. Your gift to ShareLife is helping them cope with the stress and anxiety of being exposed to illness.

If you haven’t given to our parish campaign, I invite you to do so this month before the final ShareLife Sunday on October 31. You can also give anytime using a ShareLife envelope in the collection, or by donating online at . Together, we are living the Gospel by providing for those in need! Thank you for your support.

The SVP’s “Bundle Sunday” is back!

The St. Vincent de Paul donation truck will be in the front parking lot on October 30/November 1 before and after all masses Kindly place your donations in securely tied garbage bags or boxes. Shoes, clothing, small household items and school supplies are needed. Although you are outdoors, please do wear your mask and social distance when dropping off your donations. Thanks for your ongoing support of those in need!

Your Financial Support is Appreciated

Thank you once again for your generosity and support of our parish community and ShareLife as we return to church, especially by placing your envelope in the offertory basket before mass or mailing in your donations, or donating via Pre-Authorized Giving (PAG forms available through parish website) or by credit card, or single or monthly donations through the “Donate now” button (at or through our new website