SIL parish Email Update

E-Newsletter February 16, 2025

已發佈 : Feb-13-2025


From the Pastor's Desk

I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who made our Pasta Dinner such a wonderful success. As my first Pasta Dinner as pastor it was truly uplifting to see our community come together in such a joyful and welcoming way.

A special and sincere thank you to the Ladies of the Catholic Women’s League and the Knights of Columbus for their tireless dedication and hard work. From setting up tables and chairs, organizing the bar and warmly greeting parishioners to carrying out and serving a delicious meal, your efforts made the evening a true celebration of faith, fellowship and hospitality.

I also want to extend my appreciation to our volunteers who prepared the delicious pasta sauce adding that homemade touch that made the meal even more special. To those who stayed behind to help clean up—thank you for your time and effort in ensuring that everything was put back in order. Your behind-the-scenes work is truly appreciated.

And of course a big thank you to Les and Jack for providing the music that got people up and dancing filling the hall with laughter and joy.

The entire evening had a fantastic community-oriented spirit reminding us of the beauty of gathering together as a parish family. Moments like these strengthen the bonds of friendship and faith among us and I look forward to many more celebrations to come!

May God bless you all for your generosity, service and love for our parish.


Parish News/Events

Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services

This weekend we welcome Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services to our parish. Catholic Cemeteries are a vital part of the Catholic Church. Operated under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Toronto, each Catholic cemetery and funeral home reflects our Catholic beliefs. To learn more, visit

Tax Receipts 2024

Thank you for your generous donations to St. Ignatius Loyola Parish. The 2024 tax receipts will be mailed out to you by the Archdiocese of Toronto. You can expect to receive them by February 17, 2025. The tax receipt will include all donations made to the Parish, including all offertory and special collection donations.

Please note that any donations that were made to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) have been receipted separately and will be issued by St. Vincent de Paul.

If you have not yet collected your 2025 Offertory envelopes and would like to continue to financially support the Parish this year, please visit the Parish Office. If you are not currently registered in the parish and wish to use

Offertory envelopes, please fill out the parish registration form on the table in the foyer and return it to the parish office or submit a completed copy electronically through our parish website.

Thank you again for your generous support, and we look forward to continuing our shared journey in faith and service this year!

Catholic Women’s League of Canada News

The next CWL general meeting will be on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 starting with the Rosary in the Church at 6:30pm followed by the meeting in the hall at 7:00pm.

We will welcome a guest speaker, Tarek Tawlik, the pharmacist from Reflect Pharmacy here in Mississauga. Tarek’s presentation will be on “Better Communication for Better Health Outcomes” followed by a Q&A period. New members are welcome, and membership is open to all women of the parish ages 16 and up. For nformation contact Debbie at

Coffee Sunday: March 1 & 2, 2025

Mark your calendars for our next Coffee Sunday happening after each Sunday Mass on March 1st and March 2nd. Come by for some fellowship, meet the Rosary Apostolates, while you sip on your coffee/tea and snack on some cookies. These events are not possible without our incredible Coffee Sunday Team! If you are interested in volunteering with this ministry, please contact our Lay Pastoral Associate:

Catholic Marriage Tribunal

We are pleased to welcome Father Alexander Laschuk and his team from the Marriage Tribunal to St. Ignatius Loyola Parish on Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025. They will be available in the foyer of the church after the 9 am and 7 pm Masses to speak with parishioners and answer any questions you may have regarding the annulment process.

If you or someone you know is seeking clarity or guidance about annulments, this is a valuable opportunity to learn more in an open, supportive environment. Whether you are considering beginning the process, have questions about eligibility, or simply wish to understand how the Church approaches these matters, Father Laschuk and his team will be on hand to provide information and pastoral support. We encourage anyone interested to take advantage of this resource.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul continues to help over 110 families coping with food insecurities within our parish boundaries. It is only through your generous financial assistance that we can continue to do this.

We thank you for your continued support and remind you of the Poor Boxes located in the front and hall foyers. You may also donate online through our SSVP affiliated weblink:

CWL: Partners for Life

This year, Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5, 2025. It is a season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. As Catholics, we believe that by shedding His blood and dying on the cross, Christ has won our redemption and the promise of eternal life. By donating blood, we can unite ourselves to Christ’s sacrifice.

Since 2012, the CWL has been a recognized ‘Partners for Life’ donor with Canadian Blood Services. Donating blood can be a lifesaving gift so let’s come together and participate to meet an urgent need in the spirit of service and love.

When making an appointment to donate, please use the CWL ‘Partners for Life’ ID # CATH011269 to join others across Canada in this lifesaving cause. For more details, please contact the Parish Office.

Church Bulletin Advertising

Liturgical Publications will be setting up the advertisements for our church bulletin. The advertising will begin in April 2025 & supports the bulletin service. If you are interested in supporting the bulletin and advertising your product or service, please call Liturgical Publications at 905-624-4422.

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Presents: “In Your Hands”

In Your Hands

Thank you for joining us for our first 2 Mental Health and Wellness Sessions led by Julian D’Souza rsw msw, ( We invite you to join us for any or all of the remaining 3 sessions happening on Thursdays at 9:45 AM in the Parish Hall.

Thurs Feb 20: Build Resilience and Address Depression

Thurs Feb 27: Post Retirement, Transform Your Life

Thurs Mar 6: Caregiver Burnout and Loss

Ash Wednesday and Stations of the Cross 2025 Schedule

ASH WEDNESDAY: Wed March 5, 2025
9:00 AM
7:00 PM

7:00 PM – Mass, followed by Stations of the Cross

March 7, March 14, March 21, March 28, April 4, April 11


Parish Lenten Retreat: “The Journey Within"

The Journey Within

Begin the 2025 Lenten season by taking time to reflect, renew, and deepen your spiritual journey at our Parish’s retreat, The Journey Within, led by Melissa Siu-Chong, our Lay Pastoral Associate. This day will offer you a chance for self-examination, spiritual awakening, and healing, all while embracing the call to transformation through sacrifice and service.

Date: Saturday March 8, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM, concludes with lunch at 1:00 PM
Location: The retreat will begin in the Parish Hall
Cost: $10 per person
Registration: Available now at the parish office. Kindly note that the last day to register is Sunday March 2, 2025.

Come and experience a day of reflection and growth as you walk closer to God during this holy season. We look forward to sharing this journey with you!


Come & See – Discernment Weekend Retreat

The Office of Vocations will be hosting a Come & See Weekend Discernment Retreat for men 18 years and older, at St. Augustine’s Seminary on Friday, March 14 (6:30 p.m.) until Sunday, March 16 (2 p.m.). This Retreat offers a way for men to discern a possible call to priesthood at our seminary. All men interested in attending this retreat, please register at

16th Annual Dynamic Women of Faith Conference

Get Inspired, Meet Like-Minded Women, Discover Your Mission! For more information and to register, visit:

Date: Saturday March 22, 2024

Time: 9:00am-4pm at the Old Mill (includes light lunch)