Parish News/Events
November Ignatian Pilgrimage
You are invited to join us on Tuesday, April 8th at 7pm in the Parish Hall for our information session on the November Ignatian Pilgrimage.
Stations of the Cross
You and your families are invited to join us every Friday during Lent for Mass (7:00 PM), followed by the Stations of the Cross. A beautiful opportunity to deepen your faith and reflection this season. Everyone is invited!
Lenten Day of Confessions: Thurs April 3, 2025
We invite you to participate in this year’s Lenten Day of Confessions happening at our Parish on Thursday April 3rd, 2025. We will have numerous Priests available to hear your confession from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM, and 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM.
Visit to view more Parish Day of Confession dates and times.
Catholic Women’s League of Canada News
Please note that due to Holy week, our next CWL general meeting will be a week later than usual. For April, the meeting will be held the 4th Tuesday, on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, starting with the Rosary in the church at 6:30pm followed by the meeting in the hall at 7:00pm.
New members are always welcome, and membership is open to all women of the parish - ages 16 and up. For information contact Debbie at
Easter Lilies
As a result of the success of the poinsettia sales in December, this Lent you will be given the opportunity to pre-order Easter Lilies for home, for a gift, and/or for the Church. Similarly to Christmas, this Easter we will be decorating the Sanctuary with your donated Easter Lilies. If you'd like to participate, we invite you to donate a lily in thanksgiving for someone/something, or in memory of a loved one by completing a pre-order form. Forms can be found in the office and in this weekend’s bulletin. The last day to submit your orders will be Sunday, March 30th. Thank you for your kind support!
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul continues to help over 110 families coping with food insecurities within our parish boundaries. It is only through your generous financial assistance that we can continue to do this.
We thank you for your continued support and remind you of the Poor Boxes located in the front and hall foyers. You may also donate online through our SSVP affiliated weblink:
In collaboration with The Office of Catholic Youth and The Office of Vocations, we are excited to announce that we will be hosting TOTUS TUUS (Latin for “totally yours”) at our Parish! Totus Tuus is a Catholic summer camp program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith in a fun and engaging way. Four lay missionaries will be sent to our parish to facilitate the program. The evening program (Grades 7-12) will run from Sunday July 20 – Thursday July 24, and the day camp (Grades 1-6) will run from Monday July 21 – Friday July 25. Stay tuned for more information about this exciting summer adventure!
Office of Vocations
Like the forgiving father of Luke's Gospel, God welcomes us home in spite of our sinfulness, and calls us to a life of holiness. Where are you at home? Are you being called to a life as an ordained or a consecrated person? If God is calling you, to be a priest, religious or deacon, contact Fr. Matt McCarthy, Director of Vocations, Archdiocese of Toronto at 416-968-0997. Email:, Website:
Save the Date: A Day With Mary
On Saturday, May 31, the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a new Archdiocesan event called “A Day With Mary” will be taking place at Villanova College in King City. We will gather together from all corners of the Archdiocese to participate in Mass, pray the Rosary, grow deeper in our devotion to Our Lady through a keynote address for the adults and children’s catechesis for the kids. There will be music and fellowship and we hope you will consider joining the Cardinal Archbishop and so many others who love the Blessed Mother.
More information will follow in the coming weeks. Mary Mother of the Church, pray for us!
Jubilee of Youth 2025
Calling all young adults (ages 19 - 39), join Fr. Paul Magyar and the OCY team for a pilgrimage of a lifetime! We will be embarking on a pilgrimage to Venice, Padua, Florence, Assisi and Rome from July 23rd to August 5th, 2025. Please contact to receive the pilgrim information package and detailed itinerary.